March 7, 2024

Pastor’s Thoughts March 7,2024 through Mar 13-2024 from my God Squad group post and others see citations that accompany the post.

In spite of your mistakes, missteps, and misunderstandings…never doubt your worth and your value!

You’re someone Jesus loves…treasures…anoints…and appoints. He will show Himself strong in your weakness…faithful in your fears…and merciful where you fall short.

Walk wisely with Him today. There’s a best place, a best path for your feet.
He will fill you with holy boldness and other-worldly courage.
He will teach you…train you…redeem you…and restore you.

Take every step with Jesus today. ❤️

Acts 4:13 (NIV) ~ When they saw the courage of Peter and John and realized that they were unschooled, ordinary men, they were astonished and they took note that these men had been with Jesus.
–Susie Larson 

When God called Moses to lead the people of Israel out of Egypt and Moses asked God who He was and what to tell the people, God told Him to use a unique but powerful name for God: I AM.

Jesus always was…
Jesus always is…
and Jesus forever will be!

In whatever situation you are in, He is.
He is enough.
He is able.
He is with you.
He is sufficient.
He is power.
He is love.
He is provision.
He is wisdom.
He is everything you need.

He is our great I Am. ❤️❤️
—Louie Giglio

Stand on this truth, today…as you walk through the fire…as you face down your giants…as you stand in the gap for others…He is the great I AM!!!

He sees it all…He is for you…and He loves you!! ❤️❤️

We need to see this world…and the entirety of our life…with new eyes — eyes that see God’s hand at work…in every moment of every day!!

He never stops meeting us…right where we are ❤️❤️ 


In Christ Jesus, you are a masterpiece, brand new, through and through.
You bear the image of God.
You’re filled with the Spirit of God.
You possess the promises of God.
You’re profoundly positioned in the heart of God.

Look up right now and breathe a sigh of relief.
No enemy can snatch you from His hand.
No circumstance can keep you from His love.
No sinful person can keep you from your purpose.

Jesus masterfully works all things together for good for those who love Him. He’ll take it all…He’ll move mountains…part waters…and break-through just for YOU. He loves you.

May the knowledge of God’s Fatherly affection put your heart at rest and your perspective back in place. You’re more valuable than you can imagine!! ❤️❤️

Ephesians 2:10 (AMP)
For we are His workmanship [His own master work, a work of art], created in Christ Jesus [reborn from above—spiritually transformed, renewed, ready to be used] for good works, which God prepared [for us] beforehand [taking paths which He set], so that we would walk in them [living the good life which He prearranged and made ready for us].
—Susie Larson  

Let’s be real…

A “no” from God isn’t a bad thing…

It’s a redirect…

An assurance that He is in control…

A reminder that He cares for His kids enough to be intimately invested in the direction of their futures.

The God who paints the skies loves you that much…

Wrap your head around that for a second.

He will never short change your life…

Because He’s a good, good Father.

So even when the answer you receive isn’t the one your heart desires…

You can rejoice…

Because your future is secure.

Let go and know…

God is in the “no”….

And He is always worthy of our Praise. ❤️
—Matt Deibler 

When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, nor shall the flame scorch you.
Isaiah 43:2
One night last year, Shane McCrea, a retired Marine, was driving down a North Carolina highway when he saw a car on fire. He and another passerby ran to the burning car and saw a man inside, unconscious. They struggled to get the man out, and then gave him CPR. The man survived. One of the rescuers said he is seldom out late at night, but that evening, he said that it was God who sent him there.1 

The Lord has a million ways of getting us through the fiery crashes of life. When the three Hebrew boys were thrown into the fiery furnace…the Fourth Man came and walked among them. God promises to be with us when we walk through the fire. He is with us in whatever circumstances we find ourselves: illness…divorce…financial issues…joy…loss…and so on. He promises to be with us, and He keeps the flames from harming us.

Offer God a prayer of thanksgiving that we’re never alone—we can experience the presence of God even when things get hot. ❤️–David Jeremiah
“When through fiery trials thy pathway shall lie, My grace, all sufficient, shall be thy supply.”-How Firm a Foundation  KINGDOM RESOURCES

“So he called ten of his servants, delivered to them ten minas, and said to them, ‘Do business till I come. ’”Luke 19:13
Jesus likened this present era during which we await His return as a season of time His people are to be “doing business.” He illustrated this as a heavenly investment program by which He distributes to us the wealth of His life, love, and grace. He then assigns us to “operate” and do business in His Name until He returns.

The New Testament word translated “do business” is the one from which we have derived our English word “pragmatic.” Noticing that can intensify our awareness that spiritual living is not ethereal, escapist, or other-worldly. It is right smack dab in the middle of reality, right here and now. Today, invite the Holy Spirit to make you aware of “kingdom moments of opportunity”…situations in which you can do business for the Lord. Many people need to meet someone who can trade kingdom resources for their human need;

who will trade love…for the fear that binds them,

who will trade healing…for the sickness that afflicts them,

who will trade forgiveness…for the sin that stains them,

who will trade strength…for the weakness they feel.

Today, let us conduct kingdom enterprise, “doing business” in Jesus’ Name! ❤️
—Jack Hayford

“Earth’s needs can only be answered by Heaven’s resources”